Te Matapihi is the new hub for the community of Bulls. The building provides a community hall complete with stage and kitchen facility. It is also home to the community library, tourist information, Plunket rooms, community meeting rooms and youth rooms. The roof terrace provides stunning view across Bulls and the Rangitikei district. Thermal building simulations were undertaken to assist the architect in the design of the unique external envelope to allow for the building being mainly naturally ventilated via openable louvre windows. Heating is typically provided via radiant ceiling panels. This ensures easy operation but the various building users and minimises energy demand and subsequently operating cost and CO2 emissions. Where cooling was required, heat pump systems with environmentally friendly refrigerants were used. Energy-efficient lighting was used throughout the building and carpark. The hall is provided with a lighting control system to allow for different settings to suit the various functions and usages of the building.